Monday 31 August 2015

Sydney Funnel Web Spider

Sydney Funnel Web spiders live in Eastern Australia. The male's venom can kill in just 15 minutes and the force of the strike can go through finger and toenails. Within minutes of the bite the victim may suffer muscle spasms, vomiting and swelling of the brain. Their lungs are located on the exterior of their body and can dehydrate quickly. They spend most of their lives in burrows and under rocks, where the air is quite humid. They spin "funnel webs" (Seen above) and when a prey item like a lizard or insect touches the web, it rushes out and quickly kills the prey. It attacks by raising its two front pairs of legs over its head and rearing up, before slamming down with enough power to crush a mouse's skull. Funnel Webs are notoriously bad tempered and will attack rather than flee. The Funnel Web also traps air bubbles on its abdomen so it can survive up to three days under water. The also like to hide in shoes...

Black Mamba

The Black Mamba is called "Black" because of the inky black colour inside of it's mouth

The black mamba is a snake that lives in Africa. It is the longest venomous snake in Africa and the bite, if untreated, has a 100% mortality rate- the highest of any snake. It's bite is also called the "kiss of death." When it strikes it bites repeatedly, injecting multiple doses of venom. The venom is a neuro-cardio toxin, paralysing you and affecting your heart. It can kill in roughly 20 minutes. The black mamba can move at speeds of up to 20km/h on land, and at similar speeds on water. The average human running speed is 13km/h and swimming is 3km/h.  It can grow to 4.5m long making it one of the longest venomous snakes in the world.

12th Guessing Article

Congratulations to Thomas GeoGuy, for guessing the previous animal- the European Bison.

  1. I am an element
  2. I am heavier than Molybenium
  3. I am lighter than Seaborgium
  4. I am radioactive

Monday 24 August 2015

11th Guessing Article

Congratulations to Thomas GeoGuy for guessing the previous location- Kempsey NSW.

  1. I am an animal
  2. I am a mammal
  3. I live in the Northern Hemisphere
  4. I live in Europe and some parts of Western Asia
  5. I am herbivorous

Wednesday 19 August 2015

10th Guessing Article

Congratulations to Ryan Passout, for guessing the previous element- Rhodium.
Today I am expanding on the original guessing article to include animals, elements and places.
I will upload a screenshot from Google Earth and you will comment with the coordinates or if applicable town name. I shall also upload a clue to the location every day.
Location #1
  1. I am in the Southern Hemisphere
  2. I am in Australia
  3. I am not in Western Australia

Monday 17 August 2015

9th Guessing Article

Congratulations to 78TyranidMaster87 for guessing the previous animal- Kaprosuchus.

  1. I am an element
  2. I am heavier than Gallium
  3. I am a transition metal
  4. I am a noble metal (I am for the most part chemically inert)
Remember to check back tomorrow for more clues

Friday 7 August 2015

8th Guessing Article

Congratulations to Denver :D for guessing the previous animal- American Crocodile

  1. I was an animal
  2. I was an ancient reptile
  3. I lived in the Cretaceous period
  4. I lived in what is now called Africa
  5. I have the suffix "suchus"

Monday 3 August 2015

7th Guessing Article

Congratulations to 78TyranidMaster87 for guessing the element for the previous article (Rhenium) but Aidan O'Donovan and Max Parsons-Young also deserve some credit for narrowing it down.

  1. I am an animal
  2. I am a vertebrate
  3. I am a reptile
  4. I live in Central America