Monday 31 August 2015

Sydney Funnel Web Spider

Sydney Funnel Web spiders live in Eastern Australia. The male's venom can kill in just 15 minutes and the force of the strike can go through finger and toenails. Within minutes of the bite the victim may suffer muscle spasms, vomiting and swelling of the brain. Their lungs are located on the exterior of their body and can dehydrate quickly. They spend most of their lives in burrows and under rocks, where the air is quite humid. They spin "funnel webs" (Seen above) and when a prey item like a lizard or insect touches the web, it rushes out and quickly kills the prey. It attacks by raising its two front pairs of legs over its head and rearing up, before slamming down with enough power to crush a mouse's skull. Funnel Webs are notoriously bad tempered and will attack rather than flee. The Funnel Web also traps air bubbles on its abdomen so it can survive up to three days under water. The also like to hide in shoes...

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