Wednesday 18 November 2015

Shark Tracker

An interesting program run by OCEARCH is the Shark Tracker program. When OCEARCH or companies working with OCEARCH capture a shark, for scientific testing, they attach a GPS tracker to the shark's dorsal fin. When they release the sharks back into the water, they can track where the shark has been and any possible movements, without hindering the sharks swimming and attacking ability. If a shark's dorsal fin is above the water's surface for more than 90 seconds for a ping to occur.
Shark Tracker

OCEARCH tags sharks of many different species and from all over the world. See more at their Shark Tracker Page.


  1. Great, but I found a shark in a rice field in the middle of Costa Rica?


  3. The blue shark is in his natural habitat in the rice feilds

  4. Can we have an article on the Greenland Shark please?
