Saturday 26 September 2015

Blue Tongue Lizards

Located all across Australia are Blue Tongue Lizards. There are several different species but the most common are the:
  1. Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard
  2. Central Blue Tongue Lizard
  3. Western Blue Tongue Lizard
  4. Shingleback Lizard (although not a "Blue Tongue" a close relative)
If you want an article containing more detail about some of these incredible reptiles just ask!

To all the images I used in this blog post.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7
Image 8

Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard
Image 1

The Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard (Tiliqua Scincoides) lives along most of the Eastern and Northern Coast of Australia.
Image 2

Central Blue Tongue Lizard
Image 3

The Western Blue Tongue Lizard (Tiliqua Fasciata) lives in Central Australia and along the coast of Western Australia.
Image 4

Western Blue Tongue Lizard
Image 5

The Western Blue Tongue Lizard (Tiliqua Occupitalus) lives along the South Western coast of Western and Southern Australia.
Image 6

Shingleback Lizard
Image 7

The Shingleback Lizard (Tiliqua Rugosa) is found in Southern Western Australia as well as most of Southern Australia and New South Wales.
Image 8

Blue Tongues all across Australia are in decline for several reasons:

  • Domesticated and feral animal attacks
    • Blue Tongues have short and stumpy legs and are unable to run away
    • Blue Tongues open up their mouths and show off their blue tongue to scare away predators
      • Dogs are normally fooled (if only temporarily)
      • Cats are not fooled and will continue to attack
  • Lawn Mowing
    • It is commonplace to find a blue tongue lizard in your yard when you are mowing, but the blue tongues will not run away when they hear the lawnmower- instead choosing to fight it
  • Insecticides
    • Blue Tongues love snails! They will not leave one alone if they see it.
    • Because of snail poisons, blue tongues commonly eat poisoned snails and die. 
    • Avoid using snail poison in your backyard- the snail population will recover but the blue tongue population will not!
    • As well as loving snails, blue tongues also love strawberries!
    • They will eat any strawberry, whether it is ripe or not!
    • Because of poisons sprayed on plants, the blue tongues can also die from poisoned strawberries.
You can help save blue tongues by:
  • Keeping your pets inside
  • Walking pets on leashes
  • Leaving blue tongues alone if you see one on the ground
  • Not using insecticides! The blue tongues can keep the snail population under control just fine if you don't kill them!

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