Tuesday 8 September 2015

Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider or the Banana Spider lives in the Amazon rainforest and has the second most dangerous venom of any spider (after Sydney Funnel Web). It likes to seek out dark places for shelter, but hunts aggressively, rather than waiting for prey to come to it. Unfortunately, it likes to hide in banana boxes and has been transported to several places outside of South America such as Northern America and the United Kingdom. It can have a 13cm leg span and has a bad attitude, much like the Sydney Funnel Web. It has an unusual way of striking- it has a shallow bite, but not because it's fangs are small, but because it means that the venom can travel faster through the prey's blood system. It's venom contains a powerful neurotoxin, and another chemical that can lead to males getting an erection lasting for hours, that can lead to impotence.
Just don't forget to check to make sure the bananas you buy aren't being used as a home...

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