Tuesday 13 October 2015

Poisonous vs Venomous

Many people get confused by the difference between poison and venom.
Poison is dangerous if you ingest it or get it inside the digestive system. Venom on the other hand is dangerous if you get it in your bloodstream or lymphatic system. That is why people can bath in venom or drink venom- they will be completely fine if they don't have any open sores in their mouth, skin or stomach.


  1. Drink Venom??? OOOOO BABY... WAIT TILL I GET HOME.
    (If I die I will sue you)

    1. Good luck suing me if you die.

    2. Don't worry. I'll put it in my will. Or just do a Jesus and rise again. And I'll be all like.
      ──▓▒▒▒▓░░░*♥GOOD MORNING!**♥░░▒▓▒▒▒▓
