Saturday 24 October 2015

Sharks of the World and History- Bull Shark

The Bull Shark (Carchahinus Leucas) is one of the most formidable sharks in the ocean.
Bull Sharks are known to eat whatever they can get. This means that they eat fish, dolphins, turtles, birds, molluscs and some terrestrial animals including cattle, people, antelope and rats. They will attack almost anything in the water, but they have something most sharks don't have. They can tolerate incredible levels of freshwater, commonly swimming up rivers and tributaries. They are considered by some to be the most dangerous of all sharks due to the coupling of their habitat, diet and aggression. They are also known to be cannibals!
Bull Sharks have earned their name with a signature head but they normally perform before eating the prey to stun it. They are also extremely territorial and are known to attack many different species of intruders such as crocodiles and alligators.
Occasionally though, the Bull Shark takes on more than it can handle and is eaten itself. This Saltwater Crocodile is called Brutus. He is 80 years old and weighs roughly 1 tonne. More than a match for many bull sharks.
When compared with a Great White Shark, a Bull Shark is small, but when comparing bite forces, that of a Bull Shark is far superior, mostly because of the diet a bull shark has, where turtles are a common meal.

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