Friday 23 October 2015

The Science of Firearms

Guns are a hot topic in USA and many other places, their destructive abilities and availability means that murders are frequent in the many places.
But, many who own guns don't even know how guns work, let alone the rest of us gun free people across the world
The basic principle behind a firearm, at least a modern one, is that a bullet or projectile is loaded into a chamber, the bulled consists of a casing a projectile and gunpowder or cordite and the casing is at the base. It is filled with gunpowder and then the projectile is loaded into the casing sitting on the gunpowder. Then, when the trigger is pulled the hammer pulls back and slams forward creating a spark, that hits the primer ,which is a small explosive, that ignites the gunpowder pushing the projectile forward at incredible speeds. the casing is then ejected, this can happen by many methods and most of these mechanisms are unique to a specific weapon manufacturers. following the ejection of the casing a spring in the magazine pushes up the next bullet ready to have the process repeated. but that is only a semi automatic weapon the most common modern firearm, There are many types of guns including; manual action firearms; that can only be fired once per equipped barrel before it must be reloaded or charged via an external mechanism or series of steps. A semi-automatic, or self-loading, firearm is one that performs all steps necessary to prepare the it to discharge again after firing—assuming cartridges remain in the weapon's feed device or magazine. An automatic firearm is one that continues to load and fire cartridges from its magazine as long as the trigger is depressed (or until the magazine is depleted).

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